Windows of Wisdom - "Self" Care - being supported even in huge challenge - Thur 28 Jan |



Windows of Wisdom - "Self" Care - being supported even in huge challenge - Thur 28 Jan

28 January, 2021
(Registration open till December 2025)

In the midst of distressing news from so many directions, being able to hold onto your inner Self isn't just a luxury; it's a necessity. 

Tonight we're going to explore how to experience deep support from the universe, how to discover inner strength even when challenged beyond ever before, how to love your own Self. 

In this special session Andrew Wells will be drawing on 30 years of yoga and his work in war zones to bring you exquisite insights and meditation on the power of your inner presence. 

We'll explore the three keys to "Self" care:

  • believing you are worthy of nourishment
  • tuning into your inner wisdom
  • accessing the will power to implement its ideas

When these three keys are clear and strong, you feel deeply supported by the universe, free from burdens even amidst vast challenges. And you feel like you're part of a flow in life, discovering that your presence enhances everything it touches. 

Let's discover our inner powers together!



Price: FREE
(or optional donation for the wonderful work of Dru)

Time: 7.30 - 7.55pm 


Thursday, January 28, 2021 - 19:30
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Thank you for changing my life and empowering to go and change other people’s lives now.
Nikki Martin Dru Yoga teacher training student
Nurse, Ponsonooth, Cornwall

The workshop set me up for  the next week/month!

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Health Coach, Prague

This course teaches yoga which everyone can do at all levels and stages so it’s really accessible. The teachers are real pros and have amazing experience to back up the knowledge. My personal practice has improved a lot, so has my memory, concentration, calmness and alertness. I also made very strong friendships with like-minded people.

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