Fill the World with Light - Global Meditation for Peace - Mon 21 Dec 2020 |




Fill the World with Light - Global Meditation for Peace - Mon 21 Dec 2020

21 December, 2020
(Registration open till December 2025)

It's time!

If ever there was a time to have thousands of people holding our world in light, it's 21st December 2020! 

As the Northern Hemisphere touches its shortest day, let's pour light into every shadow; let's create a global web of light that lifts people everywhere. And as the Southern Hemisphere expands into summer, let's fill the atmosphere with kindness and compassion.

This special evening will guide you through a profound meditation of peace and light, joining countless people in stillness, in love, in a world in which hope and kindness will triumph. We'll sing, we'll do some guided movements to prepare our bodies for stillness, we'll laugh and we'll celebrate. And most of all, we'll rest in a peace that aims to bring healing to troubled hearts and hope to everyone who yearns to add to our world. 

December 21st celebrates the conclusion of the World Peace Flame global walk, which has involved 1,000s of children all over the world in creating their personal inspirational Footprints for Peace, based on the hugely successful Peace in Your Hands project  Now, let's create a river of light to inspire everyone who took part and surround our planet with care and love.

We'll be celebrating our World Peace Flame and Dru s/heroes of peace, so this is your chance to nominate your Dru teacher or your World Peace Flame inspirational figure for recognition by our world community.

Above all, this evening is for anyone who believes that a group of dedicated people can change the world. In the words of Margaret Mead, indeed, it's the only thing that ever has. 

The Peace in your Hands pack for children

More than 80,000 children in 890 schools around the world have explored Peace in Your Hands, an inspiring educational project for children of primary school age, made up of assignments which cultivate an enthusiastic and positive attitude to life.  Children and teachers have fun together as they explore how they can spread the light of peace and understanding through kindness, creativity and love. Donations from this evening will help print the packs in countries with below average income.


Price: FREE
(or optional donation for the wonderful work of the World Peace Flame)

Time: 7pm-8.15pm 

CPD: 1 point



Monday, December 21, 2020 - 19:00
Customer Experience Analyst / Dru Yoga Teacher, Llangollen

A big huge thumbs up here for the APD course. It totally blew my mind.

It was such a pleasure to be guided through postures that I thought I knew well, only to discover that they had even more power than I could ever have imagined possible, when you work through them on each Kosha level. 

At times when I'm feeling stuck or uninspired / bored with in my practice, the tools I learnt on the APD course always, without fail, have the ability to out me back on track.

The course was so wonderfully presented, a brilliant mix of guided practice and space to explore for yourself.

I also came away from the experience a much more confident and skillful teacher, and have been able to facilitate my students in deepening there practice as a result.

I find myself eternally grateful to Andrew and the whole APD team for developing and refining this course, it's beyond doubt helped me to develop and refine my own practice. 

Janette Phillips Dru Yoga teacher training student testimonial
Artist, Milnthorpe

It is like coming home to a supportive caring family where the emphasis is on nurturing, growth and connection!

Kathy Hutchings - testimonial
Holistic Therapist & Dru Yoga Instructor

I remember reading the course handbook over 2 years ago, thinking and believing I could never do it; not feeling good enough and deep panic and fear about the whole idea of teaching - being in front of people and having the focus on myself.  Now I sit here writing this at the end of 2 years, on graduation day, and I say to myself 'you did it!'. You are enough! My head told me I couldn't do it, but my heart said 'yes, you absolutely can'. It has changed my life and I can't recommend the course highly enough! Life is a journey of coming home to yourself, your true and highest Self.  Dru Yoga is absolutely helping me to do that.

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